
Group 6

Curriculum Head: Ml Tayyab

Arabic for Group  6 & 7

Key features:

· Topics that the students encounter in their everyday life, using all of the Arabic alphabet 
· Narratives and conversations, with progressively more complex structures Reading and learning more words and sentences; more on opposites – nouns, verbs and sentences
· Reading and responding by speech; also by matching, choosing and writing Formulating, and writing, sentences with the help of pictures that relate to the lesson’s topic Listening (all text on CD); and listening and responding to exercises (CD-based)
· Practising writing the taught words and sentences.
· Grammar Book accompanied with this book for learning the basic Arabic grammar topics that assist the students in learning sentences and enable them to use them correctly
· Writing exercise that assist students in understanding the Arabic grammar, at the same time enhancing their understanding of the vocabulary used taught in the related topics in Kitabi 4.

Book Name
كتابي 4

Islamic Studies for Group 6

Key topic of this part include Who is Allah, Tawheed, Shirk, Virtues of the Quran, Wudhu, Guls, Maturity, Adhan, Iqaamah, Salah drill, salah our link with Allah, Congregational Salah, and Sajdah of Sahw, and model Janazah Salah, concept of Halal and Haram.  

Stories of Sulayman peace be upon him and Ishaq & Yaqoob peace be upon them.  Seerah of the prophet peace upon him, battle of Humayn and Taif.  

Book Name
Part 6 of Safar Islamic Studies Series